
The founders of the company have been travelling the globe together for years even before EVOC actually existed. Always in search of the perfect trail or the perfect decent - and always in need of bags and backpacks that would endure this permanent strain and still offer the required features.

Whether they are cycling Himalaya to Mt Everest, snowboarding in the Arctic Circle or riding jungle downhills in Cambodia - there was never a lack of good trails or incredible powder lines. There was an issue however. The bags that they used never quite fulfilled their needs. this meant that they'd need to make the bags themselves. Their love of sport and traveling, combined with years of experience in bag and backpack development, was transferred directly to the function of the product.

Initially they made bags for their personal needs, but then later they also made them for friends. They received some great feedback and all required changes were implemented right away. This meant that the quality of the products was constantly increasing while the demand was increasing as well. They finally reached a point where the demand became so great that they knew it was time to give their project a name. Just like that, EVOC was born and the project turned into a company.

The standards for all EVOC products remains unchanged: high quality, ingenious detail and sophisticated functionality for all uses. EVOC quality is constantly being tested and refined. A team of determined professionals takes pride in pushing all EVOC products to the absolute limit. In addition, the company founders are still busy traveling the world; testing, validating and determined to spend their days making sure that the EVOC name is synonymous with high-quality travel protection.